Queen of King of Queens


I’m a big TV fan and believe you me, I do watch my fair share. Some of my favorite shows are Survivor, Seinfeld, Pardon the Interuption, Law and Order: SVU, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Around the Horn, The Amazing Race, Paris Hilton’s My New BFF, just to name a few.

Sometimes I like my shows to be realistic, and then sometimes I could care less. Today I wanna talk about another of my favorite shows, the King of Queens. For anyone not familiar with the show, it centers around the life of Doug Heffernan (Kevin James) a delivery truck driver living in Queens (duh) with his wife and her father. It’s a pretty dam funny show. Jerry Stiller is fantastic playing his father in-law. Its not really that big a stretch from his Seinfeld character, but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

The part of the show that always drives me crazy though is how ridiculously hot his wife Carrie (Leah Remini) is. She is sooooo far out of his league its not even funny. Now I’m not saying she’s out of Kevin James’s league, for he’s a rich actor and chicks really dig fame and money. I’m sure he gets hot chicks all the time. In the show however he’s supposed to be a UPS driver and their ain’t no way he’s snagging that hot girl in my eyes.

Now I am a big Kevin James fan, I think he’s funny as hell. I even went on saw Paul Blart: Mall Cop in the theater. We were actually trying to go see Slumdog Millionaire and it was sold out, so me living in the solution as I do said “hey, we can still go see Paul Blart”. The reason Kevin James is good though is because he has this everyman quality that people can identify with. My experience has shown me that people enjoy this, but hot chicks don’t want to fuck it. I know this is to at least be true in Palm Beach, and I’m pretty sure it holds water in New York City as well.

I just can imagine when they we’re auditioning girls to play his wife and Kevin James is sitting there going “I just don’t see myself having any chemistry with Rosanne Barr”. You gotta give him props though, I mean we’d all make the same decision.

Leah Remini is also a little bit of a bitch in the show. This I find sexy as hell. She’s not scared to put people in their place and just gives off that vibe that she’d be amazing in bed. You should really try and see some of the episodes were they go back in time to when they first met. Then she’s got this tons of makeup and hairspray Long Island 80’s slut thing going on that’s just to die for.

Sadly Leah hasn’t done much since The King of Queens. She got married and had a kid and now just lives a normal life it seems, pretty much out of the public eye. I did discover one unattractive quality about her, she’s a member of The Church of Scientology. I don’t really dig those weirdos, although that could mean she has a little bit of crazy in her which I do dig. Its a thin line from being sexy crazy (redhead chick in Wedding Crashers) to just being full blown crazy which is too much.

Sadly the King of Queens isn’t on network TV anymore, but I’m sure you can find it in reruns. I know that TBS plays it every weekday at 4pm for all you nontraditional employed hours people. Yeah that means you Boston.

Leah Remini wet

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Filed under Hot Chicks, TV

One response to “Queen of King of Queens

  1. tom

    yep. leah remini is sassy, intelligent, sexy as fuck. and a scientologist… the heavy dose of crazy probable translates nicely into freakiness in the sack, however, so i suppose it’s not a real mark against her.

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